Android studio recyclerview on entry to screen
Android studio recyclerview on entry to screen

To get a key, put your name and email address into and copy the API key that appears on the screen or in your email.

android studio recyclerview on entry to screen

To use the Astronomy Picture of the Day API, one of NASA’s most popular web services, you need an API key. It’s empty! Before adding NASA’s amazing astrophotography, you need to do some set up. Click the Run app button at the top and you’ll see this: Get the starter project using the Download Materials at the top or bottom of this tutorial and open it in Android Studio. Review our introductory tutorials for a refresher! Getting Started Prerequisite note: You’ll need Android Studio 3.0 or greater and a working knowledge of developing for Android with Kotlin before starting this tutorial. How to change the layout of RecyclerViewįor this tutorial, you’ll use the sample app Galacticon to build out a feed of astronomy photos from a public NASA API.The purpose and components of RecyclerView.

android studio recyclerview on entry to screen

In this tutorial, you’ll experience the power of RecyclerView in action and learn: Google announced a support library to make this clean, green recycling machine backwards compatible all the way to Android Eclair (2.2), released in 2010. The result? Recycling enthusiasts and developers alike rejoiced at the release of the RecyclerView widget for Android Lollipop. Applying this concept to development, Android engineers realized recycling can also make an OS run efficiently. It’s a way to make sure we’re not buried in our own rubbish or lacking resources in the future. Darryl Bayliss wrote the original and Rod Biresch provided the original update. Import note: Kevin Moore updated this tutorial for Kotlin, Android 28 (Pie) and Android Studio 3.3. Step 11 − Add the following code to src/ package Step 10 − Add the following code to res/anim/layout_animation_up_to_down.xml Step 9 − Add the following code to res/anim/layout_animation_right_to_left.xml Step 8 − Add the following code to res/anim/layout_animation_left_to_right.xml

android studio recyclerview on entry to screen

Step 7 − Add the following code to res/anim/layout_animation_down_to_up.xml. Step 6 − Add the following code to res/anim/up_to_down.xml. Step 5 − Add the following code to res/anim/right_to_left.xml. Step 4 − Add the following code to res/anim/left_to_right.xml.

android studio recyclerview on entry to screen

Step 3 − Add the following code to res/anim/down_to_up.xml. Step 2 − Add the following code to res/layout/activity_main.xml. Step 1 − Create a new project in Android Studio, go to File ⇒ New Project and fill all required details to create a new project. This example demonstrates how to animate RecyclerView items when they appear on the screen.

Android studio recyclerview on entry to screen